The Providence Medical Center Therapy Department offers specialized treatment for a variety of medical conditions affecting the pelvic floor musculature.
Painful menstruation may be relieved with therapeutic exercise and therapy modalities.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition with widespread musculoskeletal pain and tender points. Treatment focuses on reducing pain and promoting improved function through hands-on care, exercise, patient education and thermal modalities.
Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become thin and brittle and more prone to fractures. Therapy treatment focuses on exercise, patient education, and therapeutic modalities to decrease pain. The client may also benefit from a brace or external support.
The supporting musculature of the bladder, rectum, uterus, and abdominal contents can become dysfunctional. This can result in discomfort with intercourse, sitting, and general daily activities. Treatment may include pelvic floor relaxation training, manual therapy, biofeedback, or modalities to decrease symptoms.
The involuntary loss of urine is not an inevitable condition of childbirth or aging and can usually be corrected or managed. Incontinence can be treated through patient education, behavioral modification techniques, bladder retraining, exercise, biofeedback and or pelvic muscle electrical stimulation.
Therapy Services
1200 Providence Rd
Wayne, NE 68787
Phone: 402-375-7937
Fax: 402-375-7956
Laurel Therapy Services
699 Cedar Ave
Laurel, NE 68745
Phone: 402-256-9551
Fax: 402-256-9564
Wakefield Therapy Services
308 Ash St
Wakefield, NE 68784
Phone: 402-287-1005
Fax: 402-287-1119