Providence Community Pharmacy

Wound Care

We Can Help You Heal

Wound care involves every stage of wound management including diagnosis, considering factors that affect wound healing, and the proper treatments for wound management.

The wound care team at Providence Medical Center can treat and care for everything from gangrene, foot issues of diabetic patients, or wounds that just don’t seem to heal. We offer specialists with years of experience in a variety of disciplines to guide you on the path to healing. Through patient education and wound care, we pinpoint the actions or environments that could be keeping your wound(s) from healing properly.

If you have already started a treatment plan with your primary care doctor, we would like to communicate with them about your course of treatment. Please have your provider talk to your Providence Medical Center point of contact. Janis Harrison is a Certified Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse and a Certified Foot and Nail Care Nurse.

Janis offers her services to Providence Medical Center 2-3 days per week. The focus of this service is to serve those in need of these specialty services.

Wound care is provided to patients who have wounds resulting from various diseases, including those of the lower extremities and feet, and complications of surgery and pressure injuries due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Ostomy care is offered to patients with a urostomy, colostomy, ileostomy, etc. An ostomy is a surgically created opening to the abdominal wall to which a patient is able to excrete bodily wastes.

Continence disorders tend to plague people of all ages. Early identification and primary prevention are the keys to reducing the incidence and delaying the onset of urinary and fecal continence disorders.

Foot care is also offered to those in need of primary foot care due to wounds or as prevention of diseases that further damage the skin. Nail care is offered in conjunction with foot care.

There is a team of specially trained staff members at Providence Medical Center that is ready to help both inpatients and outpatients. Susan, Lyndi, and Sarah are Wound Treatment Associates. A WTA has added training geared toward assisting Janis and Providence Medical Center patients. Consultation is available at Providence Medical Center. Physician referral is required.

Wound Care Services

Types of Wounds Treated

  • Chronic wounds
  • Diabetic wounds
  • Pressure wounds
  • Vascular wounds
  • Non-healing surgical wounds
  • Slow-healing wounds

Types of Care

  • Comprehensive medical evaluation and treatment
  • Negative pressure wound therapy
  • Compression therapy
  • Biological dressings/skin substitutes
  • Coordination of advanced surgical or medical care, if needed
  • Coordination of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Advanced dressings as indicated

Ostomy Services Offered

  • Education
  • Marking prior to surgery
  • Complex appliance issues
  • Peristomal skin breakdown
  • Hyperbaric medicine


  • Lindsay Kvols, APRN

    Wound Care/Student Health


Outpatient Department

1200 Providence Road
Wayne, NE 68787




Outpatient Scheduling

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