October 30th, 2023
It’s once again time to start planning Bomgaars Ladies Night at the Wayne Bomgaars Store! A night of Festive Fun & Fall Shopping!
For the past seven years, Bomgaars has held a Ladies Night in the fall/winter. During this one evening, 5% of the total sales have been donated to cancer centers and hospitals in the communities we serve. The first year we were able to donate over $18,000 to the 21 locations participating, last year we were able to donate $113,035 to 108 locations!
The 2023 Bomgaars Ladies Night is set for Sunday, November 5th, 2023 – 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM in all 180 locations.
After investigating and going through lists of possible organizations, we would like Providence Medical Center to be a recipient in your community.
What does this mean?
Providence Medical Center will be receiving a donation check from Bomgaars in December 2023! The donation is based on the total sales of Ladies Night in the local Bomgaars Store.
Bomgaars endeavors to make this event special for the ladies with a discount and giveaway.
Make Plans to attend the special event. Wayne Bomgaars Store – Sunday, November 5th, 2023 from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM.